I read something that inspires me......
"In the sky you have the light of stars, like millions of small candles, surrounded by the vast darkness of space. It is your choice.... be a candle or the darkness."
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It's not easy being a gay comic book geek with a sexy edge.
I read something that inspires me......
Bad nights lead to bad days.
Have you ever wished you could to jump through a phone and kick the person on the other end in the face?
I am a goofy-doofy guy.
Virgo 1/20/05
I feel like Annette Benning in "American Beauty" when she is trying to psych herself up for selling the house..... "I WILL SELL THIS HOUSE....TODAY!" I am walking around.... "I will get a job today!"
In my final strech of employment with The Sharper Image this week.... Feeling very shell shocked about losing both jobs in 24 hours. Friday was a very strange day. I was ok with getting laid off from Borders when I came into The Sharper Image. I figured that my ball busting hard work there would pay off and get me a good permenant job.
I got laid off from both my jobs today.....
So.... I got a pint of Marble Slab ice cream the other day.... Banana with berrys mixed in.... and I shared it with Kevin..... I was nice.... "Have half, but don't fucking touch mine." I said very clearly. Now, I have been all feverish all week.... working days at The Sharper Image and called out of Borders both Tuesday and Wed night..... So, last night I go for my ice cream and it's gone. The fucking jerk ate it anyway.... I could have killed him...... this came only an hour after learning that he had gone into my wallet and taken money out.... but he checked to make sure I could afford it.
So, I didn't have my ice cream that I was saving for this weeks episode of "Lost".
I sat down, totally mad and bummed as the episode began.... it was about Locke, Boone and Shannon.... ( I prefer Charlie focused episodes because Dominic Monaghan makes me swoon)... and it was a pretty good episode.... Shannon and Boone are tied up by Locke in the jungle and the "creature" goes after them... Shannon is seen being lifted off her feet, flailing and screaming..... minutes later Boone finds his sister dead in a stream, bloody and broken..... he then goes after Locke ..... only to find out that.................... He was tripping on some shit Locke made out of roots and berrys ..... shannon was never in the jungle..... Total let down....
This week has been kinda like that. Not cool in uncool ways. Just Blah. Fighting off a fever and having to work.... then feeling like I'm in trouble for not going to Borders.... kevin feeling entitled to my food and money now that he is working.
Today is Padme's first day alone without one of her Dads there to keep her company. She has had one or both of us there with her for the past year and a half....but we're both employed now. She looked so sad and confused this morning when I got up... Kevin was already gone.... I took her for a hasty potty walk and then scooted her back inside.... she looked back over her shoulder at me, expecting me to come on inside with her - but I had to close the door on her. It made me sad.....
I love that dog more than I love my comic books..... She is just such a sweet soul. She is my girl. I'm totally devoted to her..... and she is probably the sole reason Kevin and I bothered maintaining a friendship after the breakup. Neither of us would ever be able to deal with life without Padme.
Last night in the middle of the night a cat was on the fence outside the bedroom window.... it tried to jump in but the window was closed. We heard a loud THUNK followed by a yelp from the cat as it fell some 15 ft to the ground..... Padme stood on the bed looking out the window for a good 30 minutes...... she is a classic dog in her searing hate for felines of all kind.
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Last night I had one of the most disturbing dreams of recent memory.... It seems funny as I try to collect the bits I recall into something that can be described... but it really wasn't funny..........
I am in this huge mansion with Jen and Chris Thile... we're making smores and having fun. Suddenly I notice the secret service coming inside and I'm totally filled with this feeling of guilt and shame.
"He wants to see you." One of the agents tells me as he takes me from the room. Jen is smiling and making food with Chris... they wave goodbye to me.... I get taken to a room where Ronald Reagan is waiting.... he somehow has something on me and I'm being blackmailed.... so he grabs me and starts kiss me.... I'm completely repulsed but unable to move because I am aware that the Secret Service has guns pointed at me....
So next I'm taken to a table and forced to eat a horrible breakfast with him.... raw eggs and uncooked bacon.... and I realize that this man is complete and utter evil.... and that Jen and Chris are in this mansion and thus are not safe....
I make a run for it and I get Jen and Chris out of the mansion.... we end up in this kinda mini cooper type car.... and we're trying to get away...... suddenly the road turns to quicksand and the car starts to sink. I get out and start sinking into the blacktop while trying to pull the car out..... suddenly Ronald and Nancy Reagan are there, gently coaxing Jen and Chris to get in their car..... I try to scream to let them know of the danger and I sink deeper.... my mouth covered by the blacktop....
What the hell does that mean?? Jen, be wary of Republicans!!!!
Here is how it began....
To whom it may concern.... (and there are a few of you)
I am sorry that I have not been myself of late. 2004 was a hard year, filled with change and challenge... I have not adjusted as well as I'd like to. I faced my demons and fought my way back from the edge of death. If someone had told me a year ago that I'd be drug free and employed.... Working as hard as I am.... I'd have laughed. Somehow deep down I believe that I was aware of the fact that I was committing slow suicide.... And then one moment of clarity saved me.
Everything about the world seems different now. The way my brain works is not the same... I am not sure of anything that I once believed. My world is filled with doubt... most of it is self doubt. I still see myself in a very ugly light. There are scars from this I will always wear and some that will heal in time. I can't help but feel like I am toxic. I can't help but feel like I am worthless.... all I can do is try, try and try to regain my self-respect and the respect of the people I love.
I ask that you be patient with me. Understand that I am learning how to live life in a completely different way... I am working so hard everyday not to become overwhelmed... I am going to have setbacks... I may offend... but I am going to strive to be better....
Please have patience with me as I would do the same for you.
Much regret and more Love...
I am an emotional mess. I am feeling things too deeply. My emotions are jacked up to 11 and it's making me (more) insane (than usual). When I was hanging out with Jen, Josh and Ryan last week I was happy..... but seemingly too happy.... I was going a mile a minute. I felt snubbed by not being invited to Ani Defranco and it hurt me more than something that minor should have. Like having a swift kick to the gut....