It's not easy being a gay comic book geek with a sexy edge.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Going on 2am. Haven't been up alone this late in a long time.
I'm scared. Feeling gross. Feeling alone.
Tomorrow surgury.
Tomorrow pain.

I've never felt the need for someone.
The want, yes.
Not Need.

Tonight I need someone.
It hurts.

Mistakes. I make them.
Found speed in an old box.
Just a bump.
What could it hurt?

I was an addict.
I will always be an addict.
Good to know, no?

San Francisco is beautiful at night from a rooftop.

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Tuesday, November 08, 2005


Long time no see, huh? I've been feeling rather disinterested in the whole blog thing of late. Maybe there is just too much going on in my life.... or maybe I'm just not interested enough in myself to bother writing anything down.

Likely the latter.

A quick recap of the past 2 months......

I've moved in with Krystal and Collin. Yay for an apartment with windows and no bad memories. It makes a difference! I miss Miss Pingleton though. We have only seen eachother a few times in the past 6 weeks.

I'm working at Borders a few nights a week again. Why? I don't really know. Boredom I guess. The whole thing seemed like a good idea when I started but it has quickly become a burden that doesn't pay me that much. Sure, good discount on books. That's always good.
I've been reading a lot of good stuff.... trying to branch out and read different types of things too.

I have ass surgery on Thursday. Same day, no hospital stay. Going to be in considerable pain for a few days.

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