(sigh) He sighs.
I'm having a hard time getting into the groove today. My mind is somewhere over in Amsterdam. Thinking about my adventure has become a bittersweet passtime for me lately. It'd be fair to say I've been a bit of a bitch about readjusting to life in the states.
A large part of my problem is that I find myself disliking my job more and more with each passing day. I know I deserve to be making more money for the work I do and it's a bitter pill to swallow that we're not getting raises this year. Not even a cost of living increase.
Another issue that I'm dealing with is my drinking. It's getting a little out of hand. Not that I am in danger..... but a cool down will suit me. I think I've been drinking more after my trip because I really have been depressed about what I'm lacking. But drinking away depression is dangerous and stupid. I'm going to go sober for the next month.
Anything good happening? No. Not really. Not at the moment. Maybe around the corner.
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