This has been a downer of a week.
The job hunt has stalled - I have made no head way this week on that front which is making me anxious... It's not for lack of trying but results have not been as quick as I'd have liked. I keep reminding myself that this is not the end of the world.
Nick (aka: Nick-a-licious) took me to magnet yesterday for accupuncture to help with my stress and a Rakkii (sp?) session. Never having had either treatment before and knowing how badly I need to find calm it was not hard to become excited.
The guy ends up sitting me there, by the window, and sticks 6 needles in each ear and one between my eyes. What really suprised me was the fact that the needles don't hurt at all when they go in..... but I'm sitting there with pins in my face and at first I didn't know what to do with myself so I began watching the room, watching the people on the street..... suddenly I felt all a-tingle from my head to my toes and I realize that my blood is flowing better than it ever has........... I feel it in a really positive way.
Next the Rakkii guy comes over and that was a whole other story, it was like the guy could read my body... he was a bit rushed so I don't know how I would feel if I had gotten a whole hour.... and it's so spiritual that it felt oogy to have it in Magnet.
Living with Kevin is getting old fast. The apartment is dirty and too small. We both need jobs and are too close to one another. I can't help but resent him - and myself for helping him insted of just looking out for myself. But how mad can I be about the fact that I am a decent person?
Wasn't a great week for comics either..... though issue 6 of Identity Crisis rocked.
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