It's not easy being a gay comic book geek with a sexy edge.

Monday, April 19, 2004

Sometimes you just have to pick something up and look at it from different angles. Beauty becomes ugly, horrible becomes wonderful. Sometimes you hold something in your hand that you never realized would kill you or make you rich.... y'know?

Living with Kevin is hellish. The saving grace is that I am once again with Padme (the best dog gone dog ever!). Kevin has no ability to think beyond himself. Selfish, emotionally maimed, prone to being lazy, one track minded and just plain unable to adapt to my being here.
I thought I could make this work. I have tried so hard to be calm and to respect that this has been his home for 2 years without me. BUT - there is only so many times I can bust my ass cleaning his shit up while he sits on his getting-fatter-every-day ass!!!!! I have been very direct with him that speed is killing me and he shrugs and ignores me. And that says it all.
No dog is worth this.
I think it's really time to go.
Just go.

But then I find myself completely cought off balance by the way Jen has stepped in and been there for me. It seemed to me like we were drifting due to the bullshit we're both going through.... but she has been there for me, no questions asked. Nickel Creek... Kill Bill.... Banking..... talks about comic books....... I really am at a loss for words to describe what this has ment to me.

FUCK!!! I got to go.
Later Believers.


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