It's not easy being a gay comic book geek with a sexy edge.

Sunday, April 11, 2004

Long time no posts.
I'm not sure how to begin so let me just start of by reassuring anyone who might read this that I am, in fact, not dead yet.... just mildly suicidal and unconcerned with how that makes me look.
I am homeless - currently living with Kevin and Padme in their tiny one bedroom apartment. The place is a dump and kevin is a slob.... but it beats living on the streets so I guess I should be happy. The final days at 432 Eureka were hellish. Cheryl pitted me and Jess against one another with subtle manipulations..... then I begin unpacking my things at Kevins and realize that Cheryl and her man took almost anything of value I owned. So much stuff is gone and I have not yet begun to deal with how that has made me feel.
Kevin just sits on his ass and watches me clean his house, rearrange things to make room for mine... that has been quite offensive considering I have to ask my mother for money to pay the next month's rent..... but why invite another conflict? I just suck it up and deal.
And that is really the story of my life.
Sucking it up and dealing.

My mother tells me "I couldn't do what you do." meaning getting up every day to such a desolate landscape.... and I know she means that as a complement of my strength.... but that and a buck twenty five will get me on the bus.
So.... this may be the end of it, because I don't know if I wanna keep on keeping on.
Might be time to fade into shadow.

If not shadows.... the sun better shine soon.


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