Christmas 03 leaves me feeling cold. Why don't we just take the Christ out of it and call it "annual retail day" where we all pay our respects to the god that is materialism? And what is with people who clearly haven't put thought into the crap they offer as a gift. "Oh, thanks for the garbage can!".... or "wow! You went all the way to walgreens to get me this bag of gummy bears?!"...........only thing worse is when you get "I was going to get you this thing but I couldn't get to that store. I'll give it to you later!" Later usually ends up being never. My point here is.......why fucking bother if you clearly don't mean it?
A) you don't believe in or pray to Jesus. There is no need to be celebrating a religious holiday if you don't subscribe to the damn religion!! Why am I the only one who feels this way? I wanna smack people who tell me "Its the christmas spirit I am into!" BULLSHIT!!! The christmas spirit is the warmth of heart to know that the damn son of God was born. Maybe what you have is a high from the fumes of that credit card burning a hole in your pocket...... oh and while we're going all out for holidays that have no meaning to us, will we go all out for Bastille Day too?
B) Gift giving is not an obligation but can be insulting when treated like one. Keep your damn $5.00 and save us both the trouble that you're going to cause by giving me an ashtray. Really. I'd be less insulted if you just give me the $5.00. Put some thought into it and that 5 could have bought the materials to make me a mix cd or gotten some Hot Cookie snickerdoodles..... something that proves you thought something other than "Oh crap, better pick him up something."
C) Keep your lies to yourself. Lies make Baby Jesus cry and if you ain't planning on gifting me thats cool...... but if you blow sunshine up my ass about a belated gift I will belate our friendship. I am sure there is a room somewhere where all my belated gifts have gone over the years cuz I never see them.
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