It's not easy being a gay comic book geek with a sexy edge.

Thursday, December 02, 2004

Waiting for a firedrill at work..... Supposedly there is going to be a loud alarm and strobe lights..... sounds like a rave! That reminds me of the days I was bold enough to go out in public wearing a Mickey Mouse Club hat...(yeah, the kind with ears).

I have been working two jobs all week in an attempt to keep myself, Padme and Kevin from being hungry and homeless..... the phrase "Burning the candle at both ends" never had such meaning. Even in my days of drug abuse I never worked this much.... I get up at 7am... out of the house by 8am and not home until around 11pm. I shower and get in bed and do the same thing the next day. Needless to say I am testy and slightly bitter. I've realized that the best thing for me to do is just keep my head down and not talk to anyone directly during the week. I am just feeling slightly bitter about having to float the boat - considering how long it's been that I've been doing it.

Working.................. Damn, how I wish I had made different choices.

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