It's not easy being a gay comic book geek with a sexy edge.

Thursday, December 30, 2004

I'm fighting off a cold.

Had a restless nights sleep.

Was dreaming that Josh and I were trying to move a box of tennis balls up a hill and the box broke. We had to chase hundreds of balls down the street. It's an odd feeling to get frustrated in your sleep.

I'm feeling this sadness that I can't put my finger on. This whole natural disaster thing has me spooked. I saw footage of the Tsunami hitting a beach and there were all these people that just got washed away.... including children. The terror on the childs face will never be erased from my mind.... I find myself wondering if that little kid is alive.... I mean, the person with the video camera survived so, maybe.
Keep thinking that that could easily be us.
San Francisco.
9.0 quake would kill us all.

The world just seems a very sad, dark place the past 5 years.

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