It's not easy being a gay comic book geek with a sexy edge.

Monday, November 17, 2003

Strange weekend.
Josh is leaving soon. Friday night we cleared out some stuff that was going to Jen's. She had gotten some guy off Craig's List to assist with his van. When I got to Josh's I see this unattended van on the corner, all open and begging to be stolen. I figured that they were mid load so I walk up to the 3rd floor and find a thick tension in the air and some strange guy with a wounded head.
Seems this guy fell getting out of his van and cracked his head into a stop sign. Josh saw it happen (lucky bastard!) and told me how it went down but I still can't get the mental picture. Lets just say he smashed himself up good and was mad and I'm guessing embarrassed. We hurry and get the shit in the van and off Jen and guy go into the night.
I get a cab to Jens to help unload. Driving down VanNess the cab gets a blow out and crashed into a pole.
I start walking, looking for another cab and run into Corbbett. Hasty talk followed by me rushing into another cab and getting to Jen's only to find all the stuff inside...... Jen and I had a few giggles as we arranged the new stuff. (Loves me some Jen) We head back to Josh's for dinner.
Midway through dinner I realized that our little group's days are numbered. It made me sad, so I focus on drawing Batgirl. There is something about having a threesome of close friends. You know you have someone on either side to support you when you can't hold yourself up..... ( though all of us have been guilty of trying to get through things alone).
Part of me wants to head off with Josh and forget this dive of a city. I feel like I had some things to learn here and I don't regret a moment of my time here...... maybe it'd be best to get while the getting is good. But there is Kevin, Padme, Jen and Rene..... the chorus..... things I would miss.... I think that Josh and I could kick it N.O. style and have a blast.... I'd be much closer to my family. But he should do it alone. There is a lot to be said for knowing that what you have you made for yourself.
I felt that way when I came to San Francisco.... but if that's true I made me a big pile of shit now.


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